I'm tired. Tired of blogging. I think whatever I am feeling is equivalent to what the seniors must be feeling. Senioritis. Struggling to keep up the effort to push to the end. Longing to be finished.
Let's see, in the last month we've had spring concert, gymnastics homeshow and spring picnic. One thing that I really liked about spring picnic was interacting with the students. I kind of missed a lot of that coming at second semester. All the fall activities had already happened where staff and students get to know each other. I brought out my ukulele and let some of the students play it and also taught them a little about how it works. They thought it was really cool. If I teach at an academy I think I'm really going to enjoy being a class sponsor and getting to know the classes. That is one thing I really missed about Yap. I wasn't really a part of the students lives so much. I could see it starting to happen near the end. It seems like now I am just starting to feel comfortable with them and now it's over.
Below are some pictures from spring picnic. It was scorching hot that day, but a lot of fun. Last weekend was amateur hour, the yearly talent show. It was a great success. Many students sang and played their hearts out and I played the ukulele. That little instrument has turned out to be the best thing I bought in Yap. I was reluctant to spend my money on it. I wondered if I would actually keep up with it or get tired of it and let it collect dust. I can't always tell when I want to buy something. It turned out to be a great blessing. It reminds me of Yap and the memories I have. It also gives me a leverage to share about my experiences there and how God has worked.
It was really fun to play for people. I had never sang a solo up front before. I think it would be fun to do it more often. I think it's easier to play up front if you have a connection with your instrument. Piano didn't really do it for me.
One weekend the Dean and I made donuts for the girls. They were very hard to perfect and ended up being laden with grease but the girls seemed to appreciate them and I ate a few too many as well...
Our fish tank in the dorm has been really cool. One of our cichlids ended up having babies and I was telling the girls all about how cichlids take care of their young. They keep them in their mouths until they are big enough to swim on their own. This helps the babies breath and get enough nourishment. Some were grossed out, and some would ask me questions about it, eager to know why it happened that way. I felt like I was in the classroom again. It was very cool.
I'll be posting one more official blog I think to kind of sum things up a bit, Then that will be it for the updates.