Go to Dentist
Go to Doctor for last check up
Get year supply of contacts
Good flashlight
Good flashlight
Figure out how to use Skype
Copy important documents
Find some really good roach killer
Water purifyer tablets
Dryer sheets
A decent pair of sunglasses
Sunscreen!! Equator rays? yikes! my last burn was very unpleasant.
Print pictures of family and such
Some comfy shoes that are inbetween flipflops and sneakers
Ziplock bags
2 Giant Suitcases
First aid kit with all the essentials
Maybe some gifts for the people I'll meet
Finish finding skirts
Make a book of recipes to bring
Familiar spices for cooking
Sewing kit
A better alarm clock
Calling cards for internet
Hair things
Hair things
This is only a start. I think I need to go to Costco. How will I ever fit everything in my bags? I need to think, 'minimalist.'

Also, my address on the island will be
Katherine Miller
Yap SDA School
P O Box 700
Colonia, Yap FSM 96943
Advice for shipping stuff: Get a flat rate box and ship by priority mail. It'll get here faster and you can fit a lot more stuff in the box for the weight.
Advice for shipping stuff: Get a flat rate box and ship by priority mail. It'll get here faster and you can fit a lot more stuff in the box for the weight.
The next post will probably be right before I leave in July.