Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Taking off!

1.5 weeks before plane leaves:

This summer has been a good one. I had ample time for planning and shopping for this trip. It was ever convenient to be at Andrews for when I had any questions regarding the trip I could just meander over and simply ask.

I"m glad to be finished with the early morning hours at Lamson Hall desk. I've concluded that being awake from 12:25-3:25 am is not healthy for me... 3:25-6:25 is not much better.

I made a handful of new friends as well that I'll miss.

I fly into Hawaii on Sunday the 2nd for a 3 day training session for the island missionaries. That will be interesting. I look forward to meeting the other student missionaries as well as to gather any additional advice that will be given.

These couple weeks before I leave have been sort of a surreal experience, for m
y mind did not and still does not fully grasp what I'm about to be doing. I understand it but I feel like I"m being way too calm for what the reality of situation should call for. I can't believe I'm going to be teaching. It's beginning to baffle me how I'm actually am doing this. I feel like my brain is way behind and has not clue as to what is about to happen. it'll be jolted into position soon enough.
Culture shock here I come! haha. It'll be and adventure.

Half a week before flight:

I'm about to take off! As the days I have left here dwindle, I am beginning to realize exactly what I signed up for. I'm having increasing feelings of apprehension. All I can do is ignore them though because I've made up my min that I will do this whether my lesser willed self wants to or not.

Many other missionaries are leaving around this time as well. Keep us all in your thoughts and prayers as we travel to our new temporary homes. We each have our own mission to fill, and God willing,
we'll be able to give the most where it's needed.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oatmeal Tartlets! yummmmmm.....

I made up a recipe! and I'd like to share it with you! So I had a lot of extra pie filling left over from a Sabbath lunch and needed to do something with it. I made up this crust recipe on the spot and then wrote it down when I repeated it last week. It's really good and more or less healthy. I think I may post some recipes that I try during my stay in Yap as well. For the record, I am vegan and all of the recipes I post will also be vegan. Feel free to print this card out, just click the picture and then proceed to print. Hopefully you will find it delicious as well!