So, I was riding home on my bike and I for some reason took a different route. I was almost home when I saw this baby bird on the sidewalk all crumbled up and ready to die. I stopped and picked it up and took it home right a way. I went out to the store and bought some baby bird formula and oh was he hungry! I kept feeding him and found that he was a little chipping sparrow. I know it's illegal to have wild birds in your home but I couldn't just let him die. I drove by the same place later that day and found his brother dead on the cement. That could have been him too. Anyway, so I kept feeding him and he grew and developed such beautiful colors and feathers. He learned to fly quite quickly and I had to keep an eye on him all the time. Even as a sparrow he is just darling. His name is Zeke. On Tuesday I brought him to my local nature center and they will continue raising him and make sure he figures out how to eat bird seed and then set him free to fly all he wants and meet other sparrow friends. :) I'm thankful that God made sparrows and that I had a chance to be a part of this ones life. The memories will always make me smile. :)
I think this is such a cool verse. God cares for the sparrow, He love the sparrow, He knows each sparrow that falls. Our amazing God loves us so much. He not only knows how many hairs we have but he even gives each hair a number. Just think, the hairs that fell out in my comb this morning may have been number 300 or 543 or 789 but God knows. Hairs don't really seem to be that big of a deal but He knows everything else about us just as much if not more intimately! We have nothing to fear with our God. I am so happy I am privelaged to serve him and that He is patient with me and works to improve my character each day. God is so good! :)Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? and not one of them shall fall on the ground without your Father:
but the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31
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