Writing letters is somewhat romantic even if there is no love interest involved. By romantic I don't really mean passionate, tender, or affectionate but more particularly charming, picturesque, lovely, visionary, fabulous and idealistic.

Imagine what your friendships would be like if everyone wrote letters... like if every time you thought of a friend or family member, you wrote a quick note to them and dropped it in the mailbox? It doesn't have to be long and tedious, just a simple reminder of 'hey, I thought of you today when I saw a cardinal fly across my path on the way to astronomy class.' Why don't we send each other delicious recipes that we've found or magazine articles that peaked our interested and would also spark a smile into someone elses day?
Instead of doing this sort of thing I know in the recent past I would post something on facebook hoping that someone would read it and then exclaim how awesome they thought it was too. That's much less personal though, than sending it to someone in particular and better yet in a sealed envelope with your very own handwriting scrawled out between classes.
I wish we were all more sincere and interested in each other. Not in such a way that we stalk each other by anonymously clicking through profiles and pictures, but by showing an interest and then letting that person know we care, and are there.
So, I'm attempting this very thing that I wished we all did in hopes to start a new trend of sorts at least among those that I know. I don't feel like writing to anyone in particular at the moment. But I will not give up. It's been a week. It's too early to expect a letter in return. I don't' expect very many, but I know I'll get at least a few.

I think I will write one or two right now after all.
I'm really enjoying reading your blog!