Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekend, Spring, Content, Realization

Early this weekend the academy was hosting music fest which is a weekend where elementary students come from all over the state to participate in a singing clinic. Saturday afternoon there was a concert put on by all music students including our own. It was very nice. There were so many visiting students that there were 85 girls needing a place to stay. We were able to stay within fire code with only around 40 of the girls in the new dorm and the rest stayed in the gym and used beds that we had been using in our previous makeshift dorm. It was a very tiring few days because these elementary girls were loud and often disrespectful. They’re at the age when they’re beginning to become their own person. I am glad I don’t plan on teaching elementary school. That is all I will say.

Students took today as an opportunity to lay out on the grass and just hang out side. Spring has been welcomed with open arms. I went with several girls on an afternoon walk and we cut through a grassed corn field path to get back. I noticed a little mole as he scampered into a new hiding place after we had startled him. Frogs were happily singing away and I could see evidence of all the earthworms that have started unearthing bits of fresh soil.

Right now I’m typing as study hall is under way and the dorm is very quiet. I think everyone is tired and glad for things to be back to normal again. I was mopping up a mess in the laundry room a few minutes ago and I was thinking that I’m feeling a quiet, content feeling. I’m not worried about anything; just simply here and glad to be breathing. It’s rather refreshing.

I’ve come to a realization. It’s been gradual and I’ve understood it long before now but now it’s actually become a point in my brain. That is, that we need to put our utmost best into each encounter with every person. I’ve had opportunities to talk with many of the girls on an individual basis or in a small group and they have turned out to be really cool conversation about who they were and what they are going through. At the time it seemed like we were really connecting but then very often that time turns out to be the only opportunity with them in that way. And so, if I had been crabby that day and let myself be short or uninterested in them in that moment, I would have lost my opportunity.

I had a goal at the beginning of the semester to somehow take interest in each girl in the dorm and get to know them each individually. I have not really done that to the degree that I was anticipating. I’m not sure if it’s possible now that I really think about it. Each person needs different sorts of people to reach them. I do think though, that an impact can be made even if it’s only the slightest. For some girls I know I have made some sort of impact and on others it’s only been slight. But whatever size the impact is, it is extremely important that we treat each other with abounding love and patience. We should be interested, and listen the best we can, not just because that is how we want to be treated, but because each person deserves to experience such love.

Whether it’s been multiple times or only once, I cherish the short moments when I’ve connected with these girls.

1 comment:

  1. Katherine,
    It's only mid-April. Isn't graduation for the academy at the end of May? That gives you an additional month and a half to connect with the girls more. I'm thankful for the people person experience you are obtaining and I know God will bless you for your efforts as He does for everyone that tries to be more like Chirst...that is showing love and respect.
