I’m so excited because Elaine is trying so hard to bring up her grade in Physical Science and last week she was able to come out of failing. I really hope she can keep it up and get her grade at least in the C range by the time the semester ends. She really likes to put prayer requests in the box. She’s a very fun girl with a lot of energy. It’s really cool to pray for specific things for my students. I think it helps me to help them better. They are burdened about family members, classmates, friends and also with their grades and future. Some of them want real direction in their lives. Most of the prayer requests don’t come in with names on them so I just pray for the request and know that God know who wrote it. The students have so many questions about life and God. I only hope I can answer in the most truthful and honest way.
On Friday I was telling the freshmen to be careful because on Halloween there are a lot of dangerous things going on like séances and spiritualism. I wanted to make sure that they knew that these things were not fun and games but are real and deal with the devil. When we willingly participate in such things God can not come and protect us. This brought up many other topics that I tried to answer for them. There were many things that I had to say, ‘I don’t know to’, but I tried my best to help them understand the questions they had.
Today we have the day off because it’s Yap Independence Day. Yesterday we went snorkeling and there were some young girls swimming. Aila lent them one of them her mask for a while. They had never seen the reef even though they live there. They had never used a mask. It was so cool because she had such a good time. She even saw a manta ray after we had gone in. Only one wanted to try it. I offered my mask to the others but they said no. They did let me take their picture though.
Four of us went scuba diving today and it was amazing. It was the first time I have gone diving in the ocean. The reef is so cool. I got a sunburn on my face… I saw a sun star which is a star fish with a bazillion arms rather than five. There were about fifteen sharks swimming around farther into the water too. I saw so many awesome fish and also lots of crazy coral and anemones. The coral was just this huge wall. We went down to sixty feet but it just kept going down down down! We were told it went down two hundred feet. What an amazing world it is down there. What an amazing God. I think wonder and amazement is an important part of worship.
Hi Katherine, It's nice to see the photos and read about everything. Love Janice