Friday, September 25, 2009

9/24/09 Afternoon

The Juniors improved on their test scores so yesterday I allowed them to have P.E. again. Wayne had had to sit out before because of chest pain so this time I didn’t think very much about it. He said that it happens sometimes where his heart hurts and he just has to quit for a while. He was holding his chest and was hunched over like before.

I forgot about it and then maybe 10 minutes later I began to walk back to my classroom. I passed the bathroom building and saw that Raphael was standing at a distance from the bathroom but looking in that direction calling someone’s name. I saw a pair of feet sticking out from behind the bathroom. II walked over and to see who it was. It was Wayne. He was on his stomach. I called him, “Wayne… Wayne...” No answer. “Wayne!” I trying shaking him. Nothing. He was unconscious. I could see that he was breathing. I yelled for Mr. Taylor the Math teacher who was teaching P.E. He ran over as fast as he could. I ran to call for the ambulance. When I returned to Wayne the Juniors were there. They helped bring him across the field to the office where he was laid on a table.

Mr. Taylor said he clocked his pulse at 140. He was very hot as well. By the time the ambulance got there his pulse was down to 106. They took him away and the Principal went with them. Principal told us that he woke up when they got to the hospital and was doing ok. He was still holding his chest though. Wayne said he never went to the hospital for the pain before because it usually just went away.
When we called his parents the step dad yelled at our secretary saying, ‘He doesn’t have breathing problems!!’ like he thought we were lying to him. I found cigarettes in his bag that he left. The other students had told me about that before, that they see him smoking and drinking after school. He was unconscious for about 45 minutes. I hope they can find out what it wrong with his heart so that he can prevent it.
I don't have a picture of Wayne because he came late. Please keep Wayne in your prayers.


  1. Hey Katherine! I just caught myself up on all of your posts. I'm so glad you're having a great time there. It sounds like you're learning a lot and developing really helpful skills in all areas of life... so anyway, I just thought I'd say 'hi' and that i miss you!! (oh, and we're in the ninth month, deary.. as in your post titles. ;) haha)

  2. Katherine..
    Wayne coul dhave a congenital heart disease....which is becoming common in most young people, I hope they do the needed tests for this young man. I will put his name on my prayer list. God bless you and him and his family.
