I want you to try something. Have a friend ask you some yes or no questions. When the answer is yes, don’t say yes but instead keep a blank expression and then only raise both eyebrows at the same time. Don’t keep them up for any particular amount of time but let them fall as soon as they’ve reached the top. This is what the students do. This means yes. I’m starting to get the courage to do it back to them. It feels so odd though! Haha.
Another thing is motioning someone to come to you. Keep your palm down and sweep your hand from top to bottom and then inward towards yourself. If you were to do the same thing with both hands but only alternating them it would feel like you were doing the doggie paddle. This feels very odd too because my minds eye wants to think that is saying goodbye or telling them to go. If I have my palm up it is taboo and is like motioning to dogs.
I know I’ve mentioned these briefly before but I’m still trying to get the hang of them.
Other than the occasional customs that I’m getting used to I’m beginning to feel more myself here. Parts of my personality are coming out that I haven’t seen since I was at Andrews. It’s a good feeling to recognize those familiar thoughts. I am still me underneath all these changes and challenges.
My tomato plants are coming along very nicely. I’m going to try transplanting them next Sunday in a way so that they are hanging upside down. Just google hanging tomato plants. It supposedly keeps bugs and such out of harms way. I’ll post pictures of them when they’re full grown. The rest of my plants have died and I had to replant them so they are just sprouting again. Hopefully I’ll take better care of them this time.
Most everyone does laundry on Sundays and the deck is always a dream of clean smells and drifting fabric. I really like how it looks.
I finished preparing for chemistry in order to teach electron configurations. I understand it now, but it’s pretty heavy stuff and can be very confusing. It’s almost like a new language. I really hope the students get it.
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