So, I haven’t been keeping the blog informed with things that have been resolved.
1. Aila, the third grade teacher, will not need to leave for a month staring in September. The date was able to be moved to next Thursday. She will not need to leave for a month but will be able to come back the same Sunday. Thank you God.
2. The principal was able to get toner sent for the copier machine faster than we all thought. So, we all managed to go without copies for 2.5 weeks and all is well. Now I can copy all the tests I want :)
3. Three of our new teachers arrived. Ana from Croatia arrived two weeks ago and is teaching high-school bible. The other two, Sterling and Alex arrived last night from California and started teaching 4th and 6th grade today.
4. I had to calculate mid 1st quarter grades and I only have about 8 that are failing. That’s a lot less than I thought I had. Yes!
5. Since I took P.E. away from the Juniors they mostly aced the retake test I gave them and are respecting me a whole lot more. They even hush each other when I’m talking. It’s such a relief. Granted they are still a trying bunch but they are attempting to improve I think, even if it is because they want P.E. back.
6. I have managed to stay healthy throughout the bouts of colds and swine flu going around the school and island. By the way, the picture of the frog is a picture of Ebert, one of our few neighors
Thank you for everyone’s prayers. Pray for the new teachers as they get started and also pray for me this coming week as I will be teaching: Electron configurations, Photosynthesis and Glycolosis. All are very heavy concepts to grasp and I’m not even sure I completely remember them at this moment. I need to review!
I happened upon a song on my Ipod and love the lyrics. It’s short but I find it very meaningful:
If to heavens heights I fly
You are still beside me;
Or in deaths dark shadows lie,
You will stay close by me.
If I flee on mornings wings
Far across the grey sea,
Even there your hand will lead.
Your right hand will guide me.
That's great news Katherine!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got the toner,
and that your students are
doing well; there are only 8
failing out of 60. These are
answered prayers. Thanks for
keeping us posted.