Saturday, September 5, 2009

Unchanging Solace

Sabbath school was really good yesterday. We studied the first book of Hebrews which was a book written to the Jews explaining that Jesus was more that just a good man. Jesus was equal with God and also higher than the angels. I particularly liked Hebrews 1:10-12. It says

“You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the work of you hands.
They will perish, but you remain;
And they will all grow old like a garment;
Like a cloak You will fold them up,
And they will be changed.
But You are the same,
And Your years will not fail.”

So it’s saying that God created the earth and He will fold it up and put it away when it gets old. God is in complete control of everything, even the whole earth even though it seems so un-moveable. The earth will wear out like a piece of clothing wears out. And then it goes on to say that God will never change. He will never fail. His promises will always stand true for us. My bible cross references James 1:17 and says,

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, which whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

Again is reiterates that God and his promises will never vary. This was especially meaningful to me because throughout all the changes in life it can get tiring and difficult to keep going. Things never stay the same, whether they are good or bad. But God never changes and he is always there for us to go to and find rest. He is always the same perfect God and He always is ready to give us the same unending love.


  1. Katherine,

    I agree with your thoughts on God. Life as we know it is constantly changing, always in motion. But God's love for us is eternal and infinite, never wavering.

    While it may feel very overwhelming at times, it sounds like you are rising up to meet all the challenges and responsibilities being placed on your shoulders. I believe the leadership skills you develop now will be of great value to you in many different ways for the rest of your life.

    Uncle Bruce

  2. I think you're right that I'll be using the skills I learn here throughout my whole life. It's so interesting how people can change from doing something like this.

  3. Katherine,

    Round trip flights to YAP a month in advance run about $1,700 right now. Houston to Guam, and then on to YAP. Is that how you did it? Did you go to Guam? Maybe you mentioned it already in a previous blog. I honestly don't think I will make it out there, but I looked it up for fun. Do they even have a hotel or place for tourists to stay? What is the exchange rate for dollars?

    I noticed that the boys in the photos had nice smiles. I thought that maybe the betel juice would stain or hurt your teeth after a while.

    Do they have any local teachers at this school, or is it all foreign volunteers? What about other schools there?

  4. I think that is about what I had to pay. I also had to pay for my flight to LA seperatley though for some reason, so it may have been more. I did go to Guam. All flights that go to Yap from the states have to pass through Guam. Then a plane jumps from island to island until everyone is off the plane. Yap happens to be the first after Guam. They have at least one hotel and it's supposed to be pretty good. It's called the Manta Ray. Most tourists come for scuba stuff. They have some nice restaurants too. We ate a one for a special occasion last week. The betel nut does stain the teeth after a while and it looks really gross. It does take a while though. I can tell who chews it the most because the back of their teeth have a red tarter like residue on them. There is no exchange rate because they used U.S. dollars here. There are no local teachers at the school this year but I don't think they don't allow it. I'm not sure about the other schools. I should ask about it.
