So, it's been a while since I've written. We've just finished day 3 of our three week forced vacation. We now have at least three weeks to just do what ever we feel like. It's nice but at the same time it's not because we didn't come here for a vacation.
The first day we were all really bored because we had nothing to do but it's kind of nice now. I can catch up on my reading and I can work on the garden that I want to have and I can just do nothing for once while being here. In the last week or so I've really settled into life here. I don't feel homesick quite so much anymore and am quite happy. It started at the beginning of last week.
Last week I gave the Juniors their test and they were all trying so hard and I knew they wanted to do well. They have really come a long way. Taking away P.E. worked like a charm. They ask questions now and try really hard and it's turned into genuine caring about what we're learning about. While I was watching them take their test I couldn't help but smile. They did improve on that test but they still need some work. I just like to see them but their best into it though.
This three weeks is going to be interesting. I already miss the students. Part of me is like, 'What now? Here we are with all this free time when we're supposed to be role models for the students. But there are none now. I really want to get super organized and ahead on my lesson planning. I an finally breathe now.
Now that the other teachers are here there are more fun times. The new guys are always up to something. I love the other girls I live with so much. It's going to be so hard to leave in June.
The last week we've had nothing but rain. Lots of tropical depressions are going by. But nothing serious has hit us so far. The rain makes it less hot which is nice, but it's starting to get a little old.
Sometimes I wonder about what I am doing here when I could be doing the very same thing in the states. But many of these students don't have good role models and their teachers mean the world to them. We are here to show them that they can do what they set their minds to, that trying their best is important. It's important to tell them about God but sometimes it is easier to show them God by the way we interact with them. It is my hope and prayer that I am doing that.
I look forward to when school starts again. It could be the 19th of October but could be another week after that.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Swine Flu
So, today we were notified that school will be closed for three weeks because of the swine flu. The flu had not reached the island when we got here on August 6. I'll post more on this later...
9/24/09 Afternoon
The Juniors improved on their test scores so yesterday I allowed them to have P.E. again. Wayne had had to sit out before because of chest pain so this time I didn’t think very much about it. He said that it happens sometimes where his heart hurts and he just has to quit for a while. He was holding his chest and was hunched over like before.
I forgot about it and then maybe 10 minutes later I began to walk back to my classroom. I passed the bathroom building and saw that Raphael was standing at a distance from the bathroom but looking in that direction calling someone’s name. I saw a pair of feet sticking out from behind the bathroom. II walked over and to see who it was. It was Wayne. He was on his stomach. I called him, “Wayne… Wayne...” No answer. “Wayne!” I trying shaking him. Nothing. He was unconscious. I could see that he was breathing. I yelled for Mr. Taylor the Math teacher who was teaching P.E. He ran over as fast as he could. I ran to call for the ambulance. When I returned to Wayne the Juniors were there. They helped bring him across the field to the office where he was laid on a table.
Mr. Taylor said he clocked his pulse at 140. He was very hot as well. By the time the ambulance got there his pulse was down to 106. They took him away and the Principal went with them. Principal told us that he woke up when they got to the hospital and was doing ok. He was still holding his chest though. Wayne said he never went to the hospital for the pain before because it usually just went away.
When we called his parents the step dad yelled at our secretary saying, ‘He doesn’t have breathing problems!!’ like he thought we were lying to him. I found cigarettes in his bag that he left. The other students had told me about that before, that they see him smoking and drinking after school. He was unconscious for about 45 minutes. I hope they can find out what it wrong with his heart so that he can prevent it.
I don't have a picture of Wayne because he came late. Please keep Wayne in your prayers.
I forgot about it and then maybe 10 minutes later I began to walk back to my classroom. I passed the bathroom building and saw that Raphael was standing at a distance from the bathroom but looking in that direction calling someone’s name. I saw a pair of feet sticking out from behind the bathroom. II walked over and to see who it was. It was Wayne. He was on his stomach. I called him, “Wayne… Wayne...” No answer. “Wayne!” I trying shaking him. Nothing. He was unconscious. I could see that he was breathing. I yelled for Mr. Taylor the Math teacher who was teaching P.E. He ran over as fast as he could. I ran to call for the ambulance. When I returned to Wayne the Juniors were there. They helped bring him across the field to the office where he was laid on a table.
Mr. Taylor said he clocked his pulse at 140. He was very hot as well. By the time the ambulance got there his pulse was down to 106. They took him away and the Principal went with them. Principal told us that he woke up when they got to the hospital and was doing ok. He was still holding his chest though. Wayne said he never went to the hospital for the pain before because it usually just went away.
When we called his parents the step dad yelled at our secretary saying, ‘He doesn’t have breathing problems!!’ like he thought we were lying to him. I found cigarettes in his bag that he left. The other students had told me about that before, that they see him smoking and drinking after school. He was unconscious for about 45 minutes. I hope they can find out what it wrong with his heart so that he can prevent it.
I don't have a picture of Wayne because he came late. Please keep Wayne in your prayers.
9/24/09 Morning/Lunch
Yesterday in the morning Laura came up to me and asked me about when Jesus was hanging on the cross talking to the thief. She wanted to know if Jesus went to heaven with the thief that day. I told her to ask me about it at lunch because I wanted to get my bible and show her some verses to answer that question.
The verse she was referring to is Luke 23:43. It says, “And Jesus said unto him, ‘Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” When the bible was being translated from Greek it originally did not have punctuation in the Greek form. It is very possible that this verse was mis-punctuated.
I showed Laura the verse she was referring to and also another verse found in John 20:17. Mary had just run up to Jesus after seeing him for the first time on the Sunday of his resurrection. She tried hugging him. “Jesus saith unto her, ‘Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and you Father; and to my God, and your God.
So, if Jesus meant that he would see the thief in heaven on Friday the day of His crucifixion he would have been lying because on Sunday he had not yet risen to his father. Where was he? He was dead. He was dead because he received the penalty of our sins. And when we die it is like we are sleeping. I explained this to Laura.
If we look at John 11:11-14 we can see that Jesus talks of death as sleeping.
“These things He said, and after that He said to them, “Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up.” Then His disciples said, “Lord, if he sleeps he will get well.” However, Jesus spoke of his death, but they thought that He was speaking about taking rest in sleep. Then Jesus said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead.”
I then showed Laura Ecclesiastes 9:12. It reads, “For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing.” Hannah then told me that she was worried about talking to her parents about these verses. She is afraid they will be mad.
I will pray for her and I hope that you also will pray for her and her family.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Phone call
I talked to my mom this morning. We didn’t talk about anything in particular and even though it was nice to hear her voice it was not the voice that changed my outlook. Instead it was the act of talking to her. The main reason is because I used to do that. It brought our two worlds so close in such a way so that I don’t feel like I’m on a different planet anymore. A lot of the negative feelings I have been having about being here just disappeared. Today it started feeling like home here a little bit. I think this is so because I used to feel at home in places where I could talk to people on the phone that were familiar to me.
I’ve also noticed that listening to music that I used to is helping me to feel more at home. At first I was only comfortable listening to religious songs because they were encouraging. However, I am beginning to listen to more other music again and it makes this place just like any place.
I look around and these people I’m getting to know will only be here. When I leave I won’t be able to be with them anymore. This may seem like an extremely obvious observation but when you’re homesick all you want is to go where you have the more familiar again and it’s extremely easy to neglect the fact that if you did that the people in the new place would not be there.
This morning I was wondering what to read. I couldn’t figure out anything in particular so I turned once again to the chapter that I always find encouraging; Romans 8. I had not read it yet in my study bible so what I found there was something I had not read before. I finished the chapter and then began reading the commentaries about it. The commentary on verse 11 was first and that’s as far as I got because it just stood out.
It says, ‘”But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.” O how precious are these words to every bereaved soul! Christ is our Guide and Comforter, who comforts us in all our tribulations. When He gives us a bitter draught to drink, He also holds a cup of blessings to our lips. He fills the heart with submission, and with joy and peace in believing, and enables us to say submissively, Not my will, but Thy will, Oh Lord, be done.’
This stood out because I feel this very way. Even though it’s really uncomfortable to think about not coming back to familiarity for 9.5 more months, I don’t care. I’d still rather be here where I’m a little uncomfortable because I know it’s where God wants me right now. I trust that I will be better off while being here than if I was not. I trust that God has plans to somehow reach others because of my experiences. Being comfortable is not worth it if it’s only for selfish reasons.
I love the students, and I’m glad I’m here.
I’ve also noticed that listening to music that I used to is helping me to feel more at home. At first I was only comfortable listening to religious songs because they were encouraging. However, I am beginning to listen to more other music again and it makes this place just like any place.
I look around and these people I’m getting to know will only be here. When I leave I won’t be able to be with them anymore. This may seem like an extremely obvious observation but when you’re homesick all you want is to go where you have the more familiar again and it’s extremely easy to neglect the fact that if you did that the people in the new place would not be there.
This morning I was wondering what to read. I couldn’t figure out anything in particular so I turned once again to the chapter that I always find encouraging; Romans 8. I had not read it yet in my study bible so what I found there was something I had not read before. I finished the chapter and then began reading the commentaries about it. The commentary on verse 11 was first and that’s as far as I got because it just stood out.
It says, ‘”But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.” O how precious are these words to every bereaved soul! Christ is our Guide and Comforter, who comforts us in all our tribulations. When He gives us a bitter draught to drink, He also holds a cup of blessings to our lips. He fills the heart with submission, and with joy and peace in believing, and enables us to say submissively, Not my will, but Thy will, Oh Lord, be done.’
This stood out because I feel this very way. Even though it’s really uncomfortable to think about not coming back to familiarity for 9.5 more months, I don’t care. I’d still rather be here where I’m a little uncomfortable because I know it’s where God wants me right now. I trust that I will be better off while being here than if I was not. I trust that God has plans to somehow reach others because of my experiences. Being comfortable is not worth it if it’s only for selfish reasons.
I love the students, and I’m glad I’m here.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Learning culture and feeling slightly like myself again
I want you to try something. Have a friend ask you some yes or no questions. When the answer is yes, don’t say yes but instead keep a blank expression and then only raise both eyebrows at the same time. Don’t keep them up for any particular amount of time but let them fall as soon as they’ve reached the top. This is what the students do. This means yes. I’m starting to get the courage to do it back to them. It feels so odd though! Haha.
Another thing is motioning someone to come to you. Keep your palm down and sweep your hand from top to bottom and then inward towards yourself. If you were to do the same thing with both hands but only alternating them it would feel like you were doing the doggie paddle. This feels very odd too because my minds eye wants to think that is saying goodbye or telling them to go. If I have my palm up it is taboo and is like motioning to dogs.
I know I’ve mentioned these briefly before but I’m still trying to get the hang of them.
Other than the occasional customs that I’m getting used to I’m beginning to feel more myself here. Parts of my personality are coming out that I haven’t seen since I was at Andrews. It’s a good feeling to recognize those familiar thoughts. I am still me underneath all these changes and challenges.
My tomato plants are coming along very nicely. I’m going to try transplanting them next Sunday in a way so that they are hanging upside down. Just google hanging tomato plants. It supposedly keeps bugs and such out of harms way. I’ll post pictures of them when they’re full grown. The rest of my plants have died and I had to replant them so they are just sprouting again. Hopefully I’ll take better care of them this time.
Most everyone does laundry on Sundays and the deck is always a dream of clean smells and drifting fabric. I really like how it looks.
I finished preparing for chemistry in order to teach electron configurations. I understand it now, but it’s pretty heavy stuff and can be very confusing. It’s almost like a new language. I really hope the students get it.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Updates, thoughts and such
So, I haven’t been keeping the blog informed with things that have been resolved.
1. Aila, the third grade teacher, will not need to leave for a month staring in September. The date was able to be moved to next Thursday. She will not need to leave for a month but will be able to come back the same Sunday. Thank you God.
2. The principal was able to get toner sent for the copier machine faster than we all thought. So, we all managed to go without copies for 2.5 weeks and all is well. Now I can copy all the tests I want :)
3. Three of our new teachers arrived. Ana from Croatia arrived two weeks ago and is teaching high-school bible. The other two, Sterling and Alex arrived last night from California and started teaching 4th and 6th grade today.
4. I had to calculate mid 1st quarter grades and I only have about 8 that are failing. That’s a lot less than I thought I had. Yes!
5. Since I took P.E. away from the Juniors they mostly aced the retake test I gave them and are respecting me a whole lot more. They even hush each other when I’m talking. It’s such a relief. Granted they are still a trying bunch but they are attempting to improve I think, even if it is because they want P.E. back.
6. I have managed to stay healthy throughout the bouts of colds and swine flu going around the school and island. By the way, the picture of the frog is a picture of Ebert, one of our few neighors
Thank you for everyone’s prayers. Pray for the new teachers as they get started and also pray for me this coming week as I will be teaching: Electron configurations, Photosynthesis and Glycolosis. All are very heavy concepts to grasp and I’m not even sure I completely remember them at this moment. I need to review!
I happened upon a song on my Ipod and love the lyrics. It’s short but I find it very meaningful:
If to heavens heights I fly
You are still beside me;
Or in deaths dark shadows lie,
You will stay close by me.
If I flee on mornings wings
Far across the grey sea,
Even there your hand will lead.
Your right hand will guide me.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tempered for the Test

I gave a talk for chapel on Monday about glass. I heard a sermon on it recently and it was very profound to me. Normal glass breaks quite easily without much pressure applied to it. When it breaks it shatters into a bunch of large dangerous shards which could cause severe injury and deep lacerations.
Another type of glass is called ‘tempered’ glass which as been put under repeated heatings and coolings. The stress that is applied to the glass in this way causes the network of molecules to interlock in a more complicated way. The glass is therefore made stronger by the process. When a large pressure is applied, the tempered glass does not break. When an even larger pressure is applied it might break and when an even larger pressure is applied it does indeed break but does so in a different way than before. No more large shards, but instead small pieces that have a tendency to hold together so that the majority of the object only cracks.
How can this be applied to our lives? Well, we are like glass. When we come across trials in our lives we may tend to fall apart like the normal glass. If we trust in God that it’s ok to go through them and that they might be allowed for a purpose, then we can grow. Without that growth we tend to fall apart rather quickly. People may try to help us pick up the pieces and quite often we injure them in the process with all our sharp edges. They were only trying to make things better but instead were brought into the mess and were perhaps wounded by us.
When we accept that trials are ok and allow God to use them to help us to grow, we become much stronger and can withstand more. We become tempered just like the glass. Trials that would have broken us before do nothing to us now. We do not fall apart.
1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us, “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”
This verse is very encouraging because we can know that when tempted we will always have a way out and have the choice to take that way. Many people confuse this verse to be saying that we will never be given trials that we will not be able to bear. This is not what it is saying.
2 Corinthians 4:8 tells us, “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. Always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.”
So the first verse talking about temptations is not implying that God won’t let you be stressed beyond what you can bear, or challenged beyond your ability, or pushed beyond your threshold. In reality, God allows more than you can bear all the time; perhaps on purpose. It’s only when you can’t bear the load that the strength of Christ kicks in… you realize that He is everything you need and more.
When some tremendous trial comes along that is more difficult than all the others we may in fact fall apart. But if we have been tempered we will have the strength of Christ. Instead of breaking into dangerous shards we only crack into many smaller, less dangerous pieces. Now when others attempt to help us we do not cause them harm.
Also, after all the damage has been done and we have all those cracks we are perhaps much better at letting the Holy Spirit shine through us in a way that may be seen by others. Trials are ok. Through depending on Christ they can make us stronger, well rounded, Christ-like individuals, capable of showing others the love of God.
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Welcome party fun

On Friday we had the freshmen welcoming party and it started at lunch time. There were water balloons and food and fun and everything. I had finished eating and I watched as one boy came and positioned a huge water balloon over Mr. Taylor, the math teacher. Another boy came from the other direction with a knife and popped it right over his head as he was eating. It was so hilarious and right when I had finished exclaiming how funny it was, I felt a cool splashing all around me. The same exact prank had been pulled yet again but instead it was over my head. I was sopping wet! Not a minute after I was exclaiming how ridiculous it all was a cold slippery finger came and wiped against my face. It was Dukay and he was sharing his ice-cream in a way that most would not appreciate. If you remember, Dukay is the same boy who was suspended for having betel nut.
I had mostly forgotten about it but was thinking of ways that I could join in this fun. Dukay was getting more ice cream to either enjoy or impart onto others and I came behind him and poured my water bottle down the back of his shirt. His shoulders hunched up in response as the cool water must have shocked his skin. I bolted out of there and did not look back. I had paid him back his deed.
Later that day we were having a closing sort of prayer and as soon as we opened our eyes I proceeded to pour my water bottle onto Rodney who had gotten me with the first water balloon. The next thought I remember is one of apprehension and alarm. A very cold liquid began dripping through my hair. At first I was sure it was water as what else could it be? But as my own shoulders began to hunch up, my head bent down to avoid getting anything in my eyes. I could see it dripping past my face and onto the ground. This liquid was not water. What was this stuff? It smelled of something rotten and had a sticky viscosity to it. Then I noticed that it was not only a liquid but solid pieces made up it’s composition as well. The liquid was whitish creamish brown and the pieces were yellow. Were those peaches? Or maybe passion fruit? Why was I seeing rice? To my disgust, there were also pieces of some type of flesh falling out of my hair. Hotdogs… I wanted to throw up as it smelled of that very thing. ‘sick, sick sick!’ was all I could even think, I couldn’t even utter a word. I walked to the spicket so nothing would get anywhere else than it already had. Who had done it? None other than the one… Dukay… He had made this concoction with me in mind. I was its purpose. I got right under the water and drenched myself. If only I could get rid of that terrible smell… I wanted to shower forever…
I recovered after several dousings and managed to change my disgust back into a playful demise. I didn’t manage to get him back in another way but had a lot of fun drenching lots of other students as they managed to do so me. It was so much fun! I was definitely on their most wanted list, and I was very bad at getting away. I had my picture taken with Dukay after all the fun was spent. There are no hard feelings. Ah, bonding with students. I think it was a good day.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
It all makes sense now...
So, I think that if I decide to teach when I come back to the states I will be spoiled because I know that the students there care a lot more about grades than they do here. I have figured out why that is so. This school is the only one on the island that will not pass students to the next grade when they have an F. I was astonished when I heard this. The majority of the students come from the other schools on the island and are used to being passed on whether they do well or not. Who cares about grades if that is the way things are done? What point is school then but to babysit children and call it education? That is why this is the best school on the island.
So anyway, I came up with a solution for my seniors and juniors who are not studying for their tests: No more P.E. or free time for three weeks or even longer depending on if they get their grades up. During P.E. we will have class. They were disappointed when I told them but they are paying a lot more attention now which is very good to see.
These kids aren't used to having any real goals to work towards because they get the prize no matter what. They could go to the public school and graduate without lifting a pencil. Also, one of the SM's what telling me that she heard that the college on the island did a test with the students there and the average IQ is that of a 3rd grader!!??! What?! How is this possible? They are smart, no doubt, but they have never learned how to discipline their minds in the way that a formal education does. This knowledge has encouraged me because I realize the reason for how they are performing the way they do and has helped me think of ways to help them.
About the comments to work with them more individually; I offer all the time and nobody takes me up on the offer for outside help. They simply don't care. Many do care more than the others and will ask some questions but no one has come for extended help. The ones that come are the ones that are already doing well.
So, I don't think I need to be that terribly discouraged by their results. They are just showing me how very much they need a good teacher. They are in serious need of some study skills and someone to show them that in life you have to strive to do your best or you won't make it, and also that they are actually capable of doing very well.
About the teacher from germany; Thank God things have worked out. She still needs to leave the island but does not have to do so until November and when she leaves she can take the next flight right back in instead of waiting a month! We are all so happy!
So anyway, I came up with a solution for my seniors and juniors who are not studying for their tests: No more P.E. or free time for three weeks or even longer depending on if they get their grades up. During P.E. we will have class. They were disappointed when I told them but they are paying a lot more attention now which is very good to see.
These kids aren't used to having any real goals to work towards because they get the prize no matter what. They could go to the public school and graduate without lifting a pencil. Also, one of the SM's what telling me that she heard that the college on the island did a test with the students there and the average IQ is that of a 3rd grader!!??! What?! How is this possible? They are smart, no doubt, but they have never learned how to discipline their minds in the way that a formal education does. This knowledge has encouraged me because I realize the reason for how they are performing the way they do and has helped me think of ways to help them.
About the comments to work with them more individually; I offer all the time and nobody takes me up on the offer for outside help. They simply don't care. Many do care more than the others and will ask some questions but no one has come for extended help. The ones that come are the ones that are already doing well.
So, I don't think I need to be that terribly discouraged by their results. They are just showing me how very much they need a good teacher. They are in serious need of some study skills and someone to show them that in life you have to strive to do your best or you won't make it, and also that they are actually capable of doing very well.
About the teacher from germany; Thank God things have worked out. She still needs to leave the island but does not have to do so until November and when she leaves she can take the next flight right back in instead of waiting a month! We are all so happy!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Frustration!!!! arrrrghghgh....
I'm so frustrated with this learning gap!!! I can't figure out what they aren't understanding and whether or not they don't get things right because they aren't understanding or not studying. I don't think they know how to study. They don't understand simple algebra when they should have learned that in 7th or 8th grade. How am I supposed to know where to take them back to in order to break things down for them? Some are even having trouble following directions. I graded two tests today and in Chemistry, 9 failed and I only got two 77%'s. In Physics 7 failed, and two passed with an 83 and a 61. They seem to understand things on review day and don't have any questions at all. I have to prod for questions and re explain everything from the chapter and then I get these results. Am I failing them or do they simply not care? Do they know how to learn? I don't know how to help them. I think I'll just start the chapter over and do more examples but I feel like what I'm saying must be going in one ear and out the other...
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Unchanging Solace
Sabbath school was really good yesterday. We studied the first book of Hebrews which was a book written to the Jews explaining that Jesus was more that just a good man. Jesus was equal with God and also higher than the angels. I particularly liked Hebrews 1:10-12. It says
“You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the work of you hands.
They will perish, but you remain;
And they will all grow old like a garment;
Like a cloak You will fold them up,
And they will be changed.
But You are the same,
And Your years will not fail.”
So it’s saying that God created the earth and He will fold it up and put it away when it gets old. God is in complete control of everything, even the whole earth even though it seems so un-moveable. The earth will wear out like a piece of clothing wears out. And then it goes on to say that God will never change. He will never fail. His promises will always stand true for us. My bible cross references James 1:17 and says,
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, which whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”
Again is reiterates that God and his promises will never vary. This was especially meaningful to me because throughout all the changes in life it can get tiring and difficult to keep going. Things never stay the same, whether they are good or bad. But God never changes and he is always there for us to go to and find rest. He is always the same perfect God and He always is ready to give us the same unending love.
“You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the work of you hands.
They will perish, but you remain;
And they will all grow old like a garment;
Like a cloak You will fold them up,
And they will be changed.
But You are the same,
And Your years will not fail.”
So it’s saying that God created the earth and He will fold it up and put it away when it gets old. God is in complete control of everything, even the whole earth even though it seems so un-moveable. The earth will wear out like a piece of clothing wears out. And then it goes on to say that God will never change. He will never fail. His promises will always stand true for us. My bible cross references James 1:17 and says,
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, which whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”
Again is reiterates that God and his promises will never vary. This was especially meaningful to me because throughout all the changes in life it can get tiring and difficult to keep going. Things never stay the same, whether they are good or bad. But God never changes and he is always there for us to go to and find rest. He is always the same perfect God and He always is ready to give us the same unending love.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sent to the Principal
I finally got up the guts to send some boys to the office. They talk and snicker in class every day. I dread teaching Chemistry class every day because of those boys. It's the last class before lunch so by that time I'm tired anyway.
So, I spoke to them in class and then they still would not pay attention so I finally kept them after class and explained to them again why they should not be talking in class. I even told them that I did not enjoy teaching that class because of them. I also said that I wanted to like it because I could see that the Junior class in itself was fun. I took them to the office and the principal spoke with them. Apparently, they had been sent to the office many times in the previous year so they were given a warning and the next time it will be a straight five day suspension. Principal almost suspended 3 days starting now, but decided not to. I was surprised that he was so harsh but I hope things are different now.
It's such a good feeling to have finally followed through with it. It wasn't that bad and I don't think they hold it against me. The seem to want to be good underneath it all. I think perhaps I should make a new seating chart so it's easier for them to not talk. Their names are Josh, Drexler, and Raphael in the order pictured from top to bottom.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Betel Nut...
Yesterday I found Dukay with some betel nut. I had to write him up for it and now he's suspended for about 5 days. I felt so sad doing it but its a #1 offense. If it happens again he'll be expelled. I was reading about betel nut and it's worse for you than cigarettes. It causes so many diseases and health problems yet many people are under the impression that it isn't that bad at all. It causes a 'high' sort of effect when chewed which is addicting. Many people have been chewing since they were young children as it has become part of the culture. What a shame...
When I found it he was offering me some coconut candy during the lunch break. He was holding it in his hand and obviously trying to hide it. Rodney was with him and when I called Dukay on it Rodney had the nerve to ask me to try it. 'just once, try it'. What a smart alleck. He must think I'm stupid or something. I told Dukay that I never want to see him with it again and then later that day I brought him the the principal. Dukay said he had fuond it in a desk. Why didn't he tell me that when I called him on it? I think it's a very fishy explaination. I have a hard time believing him.
Please keep my students in your prayers. Especially Dukay and both Rodney and Riley.
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