Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Canceled out compliment, common lice and appointed responsibility 8/25/09

Yesterday I received a compliment and then was told I looked sick. I let my hair down to dry instead of having it up which is not what I normally do. Melissa came up to me and said ‘Miss, you look pretty today!’ I was so happy! What a compliment. Then at lunch when I was walking to the ad building Dukay asked me if I was sick!!! And I said no, I’m tired though. So do these comments cancel each other out? I’m not sure. Oh, well. So, Melissa liked my hair, and Dukay could tell I was tired. At least my students are thinking of me right?

Olivia, the 5th grade teacher had a class demonstration today and used one of my microscopes to show them a cell. The students thought it was so cool and then wanted to look at something else under the microscope. One student exclaimed, ‘let’s look at some lice under the microscope.’ Another boy said, ‘ooh, so and so has lice!’ and then they proceeded to pick out a louse from their friends hair!!! Olivia was disgusted as anyone should be and said ‘no, no! put it back!’ The students then squashed the insect and smeared it on their papers. OH MY GOODNESS!!! Are lice that common that it’s no big deal to them and even so common that they would willingly pick one out from a friends head?!! I really don’t want to get lice…. Ughgh…

Also, yesterday the principal informed me that I would be the Vice Principal for the high-school. I will be responsible for meetings when all the high-school teachers get together. I’ll have to make decisions about problem students and such if they are simple enough that the principle wouldn’t be needed. I would also then be in charge of the high-school if the principal was not present. I guess I seem to be very organized and prepared and competent enough for the job. I was taken aback when I found out I was being considered for it but I guess one teacher is always chosen out to do the job each year. We’ll see how this goes.


  1. Dear K,
    Are you getting out for some exercise? Even if you are tired all the time, you need to get exercise to help release toxins etc. I'm concerned about
    your looking sick to a student. Maybe you are not
    getting some nutrients you need and don't know you
    are not getting. I am praying for you and for you to get access to a printer. Also praying for you each week with the women's prayer group on Tuesday mornings. Please take good care of yourself.

  2. I just deleted a long message! Dear Katherine, I am so proud of you!
    I love reading about all the things you are learning and teaching and experiencing! And about your students! I spoke with Nanette, who told me she loves your blogs too. I am sendiing you a care package TODAY!
    Love Aunt Janice

  3. Janice! I hate it when that happens... I just got my first package yesterday from Joyce. It was filled with lots of goodies. One girl has already received 10 packages! Her mom likes to send her food and supplies. Olivia has not received anything yet. I think letters take longer here. I'm expecting one and it's been at least 3 weeks since it was sent. I'm hoping it didn't get lost. I can't wait for the package. The one I got took 10 days to get here.
