Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pray for me.

Pray for me. Things have gone well so far but I have 9 classes to teach and feel like there are not enough hours in the day. I need more sleep and lately I've been sweating more than usual. My skin is starting to feel like a rash is forming in certain places from being hot and sweaty all the time... It's so gross. I'm constantly damp everywhere even 30 minutes after showering. Preparing lesson plans is a killer. Just pray. Thank you.


  1. Katherine!
    Please make sure you are drinking all the time. You should carry a bottle with you. Being from Wisconsin your body will take a long time to get used to all that humidity..Also, remember sweating is good, that is your body trying to keep you cool...(which i'm sure you know, just trying to give you a "pep" talk of sorts).
    I got overwhelmed just reading what your responsibilities were, I can imagine the pressure you feel...but make sure you take care of yourself first. It might take extra time for you to acclimate to the weather.

    Love you! Judy

  2. Hi Katherine,
    I prayed for you this morning and will continue to do so. I am also sending the requested items. Like
    you said, your students like you; so the biggest
    battle is won. Whatever lessons you come up with
    will fasinate them, so just use the things you
    already know that flow with ease. How much time
    do you get for exercising or finding ways to increase your endorphines? I think that would make the hot days more bearable, even if you do sweat
    more at that time. Something that increases your endorphines like a favorite old passtime could
    provide an outlet from all the stress of the class room, just for 30 minutes a day. If the rash gets worse, maybe
    the ilsand nurse has something to put on it because
    they may have similar problems with other visitors to Yap. Write back when you can.

  3. Katherine,

    I'm sending you all my best thoughts, prayers and encouragement. I'm very proud of you for taking on this wonderful challenge and I'm confident you'll be great. There are a LOT of friends and family out here who feel the same way. Although we can't be there with you in person, we are with you in spirit. And don't forget, God is there with you all the time, ready to carry you over the rocky patches on your journey.

    Uncle Bruce

  4. Thank you so much. It's good to hear my family's encouragement. Here I go into day 3. :)

  5. Not sure when your package will arrive, but let me
    know when it does; because there is no delivery
    confirmation for packages over seas. Also, test a
    few almonds before consuming too many, because I'm
    not sure how well they will hold up in a hot package. I got really sick on some organic carrots
    that sat in my car for a few days in this weather;
    although I ate five whole ones not knowing they
    had gone bad. It was a very draining recovery that
    I wouldn't wish on anyone. Have a happy day!
    Mama Key words: Confirm, Test, Happy.
