The church is really quaint, I like it a lot. It has those kneeling cushion things that are in catholic churches. I don’t know why all churches don’t have those things because kneeling kills my knees… None of the other girls had the courage to play piano for song service today so I plunked out the right hand to the hymns. The piano is severely out of tune but charming. Later on Aila agreed to play and was marvelously better than I. It was fun to try it though.
Sabbath school was really good today. We talked about how Jesus was human and also God. The main text that stuck out to me was John 5:38. “But you do not have His word abiding in you, because who He sent, Him you do not believe.” John 1:1 says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” So according to the previous verse if we don’t believe in whom God sent, which was Jesus, we will not have the Word abiding in us, known as Jesus as well. So, unless we believe Jesus was also God, He will not go with us. 1 John 2:23 says, “Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.” So, when we believe in Jesus as God we will have the Father God with us also.
In John 6:54 Jesus tells us, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” When we eat flesh, or anything for that matter, it becomes part of us. So, in this verse Jesus is not saying that we should literally eat Him, but that if we take part in Him, or intimately know Him then who we are will become like Him. Just like the saying, “you are what you eat”. We will be changed. We will be less selfish and more selfless. Our wants will be more about others and less about how we can exalt our selves or get for ourselves things that make us happy. We will become more loving as Christ was.
I can testify of this as being truth because as I have drawn closer to Christ and developed a relationship with him, I can see that many of the things that I used to care about are less than they were. The things that I used to want do not seem as important anymore. I feel that I can more clearly see what is truly important in life. Now, of course I cannot say that I know nearly enough about life to be looked upon as those who have more experiences and age as myself but what I have learned is that in all things it is better to forget about personal interests and try to make others happy and to show them what I’ve discovered in Jesus. This doesn’t mean that I have to go and outright tell everyone to believe in Christ even though in some cases that may be appropriate. Living by example is sometimes the biggest profession to Christ there is.
It’s weird to be explaining this from where I am. Technically I am now a missionary, but by all means, I don’t feel like one. I’m in a foreign place with a different climate and food and people, but I feel as small as ever. I don’t feel like I remember imagining how missionaries in stories felt. I feel like…me. It’s my prayer that I can be used by God somehow. I hope that my students will find what I have found.
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